Mi s-a mai zis că fumez ca o franţuzoaică.

Dar parcă e altceva când face un francez aceasta remarcă, din senin.

Abilităţi inutile (2)

Cumva, am învăţat să te recunosc după felul cum expiri, înca de înainte să apuc să te văd.

Enjoy the silence

There comes a time when all you can do is be quiet.

Stop talking, because people are only doing small talk, misinterpreting things and losing interest fast in subjects which aren’t about themselves. So you answer with a slight smile and don’t bother to reply, at some point. You listen to the same things on and on, and you give up on replying because, although you were heard, you weren’t actually listened to.

And it’s not recent, it’s been a long process lasting almost a year in which I’ve become more and more disappointed in the way people connect, talk, react, forget.

And more and more, I find myself in search of silence and isolation, becoming incredibly irritated if that’s inappropriately interrupted.

(TDDG, right?)